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Privacy Policy

Disclosure regarding the processing of personal data under Regulation (EU) No. 679/2016 for our website

In this website we describe the procedure of processing personal data freely provided by entering the website the website is owned by Chiara Martinato

Your personal data and information are freely provided and obtained pursuant to Regulation (EU) n. 2016/679 (GDPR) with regard to Articles 12-13 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 (GDPR) Disclosure is referred solely to this website This website may contain links to other websites, however, we are not liable for the processing of data on these links.

Data controller

Chiara Martinato  is responsible for all personal data obtained by entering the website

Processing mechanisms

All data provided by the data subject will be processed in full compliance with data security and confidentiality standards where the data controller is domiciled  or any other place where the controller or other possible processors designated by him/her are located while entering the website.

Personal Data

Entering this website:
• Personal data is freely provided by the data subject entering and filling the prepared form (for the information enquiry);
• Each proper form arises from the agreement between the parties in order to let the data subject know the purpose for the processing of personal data;
• The data subject can enter the website without leaving any personal data, disabling the Cookies following the procedure described in the relevant section.

Personal Data freely provided

Sending an e-mail to the e-mail address of this website, means the automatic acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to answer to the enquiries and other personal data included in the message.


Technical cookies are installed on this website. The data subject can disable the Cookies by selecting the relevant section in the cookie policy.

Google maps

This webside works with Google Maps, a service which has installed Profiling Cookies and Statistical Cookies. You can read the Privacy policy of Google Maps by entering this link:

Purpose of the processing

Your personal data freely provided and obtained by entering the website, will be processed lawfully and fairly as set out in Regulation (EU) No. 679/2016 for the following purposes:
• Giving information to the data subject;
• Verify the availability of the accommodation;

Legal basis for processing

Chiara Martinato processes personal data of the data subject for the following reasons:
• the legal basis for processing arises from the agreement between the parties;
• The data subject has freely provided the personal data;
• The legitimate interests pursued by the Controller are based on the contractual obligations undertaken upon entering the agreement as entering the website

Provision of data to third parties

Your data processed by Chiara Martinato could be processed by other organizations using the website (such as administrative, marketing, commercial, lawyers and system administrators) or external professional staff and other collaborators of the Controller that provide labour assistance and consulting services in accounting, administrative, tax, fiscal and financial matters (third party technical service providers, postal couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies), strictly by those who may be authorized as processors with regard to the articles 4-8 GDPR are the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data on behalf of the data controller.
In any case the names of the processors can be obtained upon request to Chiara Martinato following the appropriate procedure in the relevant section Rights of the data subject (by sending an e-mail to Except from the below mentioned, the personal data of the data subject will not be communicated to third parties and remains in the collaboration activities of except that:
• Data Subject expresses consent for the communication to third parties;
• The communication is necessary with reference to collaborators of Chiara Martinato to provide to the data subject the requested service (in this case we will communicate just the essential data to provide the service or to supply the product and will not be allowed to process the personal Data for different purposes);
• established by law or regulations.

Retention periods

The Controller will process the personal data for as long as is needed to fulfill the above purposes. Particularly:
• Information inquiries: for as long as is needed to provide the information requested from the data subject;

Rights of the data subject

Right of access

The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the Controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data and the following information:

  1. the purposes of the processing;

  2. the categories of personal data concerned;

  3. the recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data has been or will be disclosed, in particular recipients in third world countries or international organizations;

  4. where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;

  5. the existence of the right to request from the controller rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject or to object to such processing;

  6. the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;

  7. where the personal data is not collected from the data subject, any available information as to their source;

  8. the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22(1) and (4) and, at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.

When personal data is transferred to a third world country or to an international organization, the data subject shall have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards pursuant to Article 46 relating to the transfer.

Chiara Martinato states that:
• It does not disclose personal data of users to international organizations or third world countries;
• The data subject has at all times the right to have personal data concerning him or her rectified or cancelled as specified in the relevant section (sending an e-mail to;
• Personal data is not collected using fully automated procedures, but the user’s express consent is always necessary by entering the form prepared on the website.

Rights of erasure and rectification

The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller:
• the rectification of inaccurate data;
• the erasure of personal data concerning him or her.

To exercise this right, a written request may be sent to
The Controller shall comply with such cancellation request without delay, in full compliance with Article 17 of the European Regulation.

Right to restriction of processing

The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller restriction of processing where one of the following applies:
• the accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject, for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
• the processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of their use instead;
• the data subject has objected to processing pursuant to Article 21(1) pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject.

Chiara Martinato states that the processing of personal data takes place only after the user has given his or her consent and solely for the purposes that were indicated upon collection of the data. Should the data subject decide to exercise the right to restriction of processing, he or she may send a written request to

Right to lodge a complaint

The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

More info

For any other information not included in this disclosure you can write to

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